//program to print a text
int main()
cout<<"yala yolo";
return 0;
Let us look at the various parts of the above program:
int main()
cout<<"yala yolo";
return 0;
Let us look at the various parts of the above program:
- // this symbol is used to write comments in the code. As you can see i used it tell what the code is about. Anything that is written after it is not compiled.
- The C++ language defines several headers, which contain information that is either necessary or useful to your program. For this program, the header <iostream> is needed.
- The line int main() is the main function where program execution begins.
- The next line cout << "yala yolo"; causes the message "yal yolo" to be displayed on the screen.
- The next line return 0; terminates main( )function and causes it to return the value 0 to the calling process.
- In C++, the semicolon is a statement terminator. That is, each
individual statement must be ended with a semicolon. It indicates the
end of one logical entity.
For example, following are three different statements −
cout<<"yala yolo";
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